You can set up a profile of yourself once you have created an account. Your profile is viewable by others and displays your areas of interest.

  1. Login
  2. Click your profile photo (or circle with first name initial) on the top right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select Profile information.

Enter information about yourself. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Select a role for yourself from the drop down menu by clicking on a role. Choose more than one by selecting another role from the drop down menu again.
  2. Selected an educational level from the drop down menu. Choose more than one by selecting another level from the drop down menu again.
  3. Select the Subjects you are interested in.
  4. Enter a description about yourself in the About me field.
  5. Upload a photo of yourself by clicking on the Change Profile Image link
  6. Add your social media links from Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.
  7. Click the Save button

Select View Public Profile to see how other  users view your profile.